Amritsar to Shimla Distance by Road

Amritsar to Shimla

The distance between Amritsar to Shimla by road is 290 km approx. and the time depends on the travel method you choose. You will pass through the Shivalik Hills with enjoying the beautiful mountains on the way. The best ways to cover this distance is by car, bus or taxi. Choose the best method to travel which suits you the best.

For a comfortable and flexible journey hiring a taxi or travel by your own car is the best option. Plan your Shimla and Manali Tour from Amritsar with a private taxi to enjoy a hassle-free trip.

By Car: It takes around 6 to 7 hrs from the National Highways 44 and 5. The fuel might cost you around Rs 2000 to 3000 depending on your car type, condition and fuel prices.

By Bus: You can take government and private buses which operates on this route with a travel time of 7 to 9 hrs. The price depends on the services you choose but an average price range is between Rs 800 to 1500 depending on the bus type such as a Volvo or AC bus prices are higher than non AC bus.

By Taxi: You can take a taxi which takes around 6 to 7 hrs to reach the destination with fares ranging from Rs 5000 to 7000 depending on the vehicle type and fare charges at that time.

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