I just love watercolor painting… and it continues to be one of the most interesting and diverse forms of artwork that have most certainly received attention from various individuals for many years. As the freest of them all, watercolor paint underpins marvelous landscapes,basler art, portraits and unbelievable abstract paintings. In this article, you’ll learn all the basics of watercolor painting, as well as a few advanced tricks that all artists should know.

A Short History of Watercolor Painting

Watercolor painting has quite a long history with the history which traces back to several thousands years back. The rudimentary forms of watercolor were used as early as ancient Egypt with artists drawing on papyrus, using natural dyes.

Watercolour painting had begun to establish itself during the renaissance that’s why artists such as Albrecht Durer of Europe used the colour in botanical analysis and landscapes.

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries water colour painting developed into a separate artistic genre. They also dramatically and expressively painted it with the help of such Masters of art as J.M.W. Turner and John Constable.

Watercolor as a form of art has remained famous up to date for most working artists as well as amateurs owing to its adaptability and distinctiveness.

Learn About Watercolor Paint

Watercolor paint is a pigment dispersed in a water-soluble medium, usually a gum or gum-like substance called gum arabic. These pigments when wet with water creates powerful, clear washes which are typical of water color art. Watercolour paint is different from acrylic or oil painting in that it is painted in thin layers so that the white of the paper gives a lustre.

Types of Watercolor Paint

Pan Watercolors:

  • Available as solid, dry cakes, pan watercolors are easily carried and easily dispensed since they don’t require a brush.

  • Great for painting outside or going on a trip.

Tube Watercolors:

  • Being in their liquid form, tube watercolors ooze a radiant hue.

  • Tapestry work and for large forms and brilliant tones.

Liquid Watercolors:

  • Very rich in hue and intense, liquid watercolors are best for intense and innovative techniques.

Inspiring Artists and Iconic Works

Over the time, a number of painters have made good use of watercolor painting. Some notable figures include:

  • J.M.W. Turner: Famous for the cloudy and stormy seascapes.

  • John Singer Sargent: Is known for his passionate and intense watercolor portraits.

  • Winslow Homer: Celebrated for his appealing shockwaves and marine plot scenarios.

These artists have raised and continue to raise the bar in watercoloring painting thus giving generations of painters something to emulate.


Watercolor painting is one of the oldest and most universal mediums that is still wriggling interest till the present day. Whether you are just starting with art and freedom or you are a highly experienced art worker, watercolor accessibility indeed opens up seemingly endless opportunities.

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