Delhi to Khatu Shyam Distance

Delhi to Khatu Shyam

The Distance between Delhi to Khatu Shyam Ji is 270 km and it takes approx. 5 to 6 hrs to reach there. The time travel also vary on factors such as road, weather, road and vehicle condition. You can travel by National Highway 48 which is a smooth and well-maintained highway to make your journey comfortable and reliable. There are various options available to travel to Khatu Shyam.

By Car

The best way to reach Khatu Shyam Ji is travelling by car. The route via NH48 takes about 5 to 6 hrs approx. providing smooth roads and scenic views. You can stop at local dhabas along the way for refreshments.

By Bus

There are government and private services buses that connect Delhi and Khatu Shyam Ji. The state buses from Rajasthan and Volvo are available that offer a more economical and comfortable travel. A bus journey normally takes 6 to 7 hours depending upon traffic.

By Tempo Traveller

You can consider hiring a Tempo Traveller on Rent in Delhi for a comfortable journey. Tempo travellers comes in various range of seating capacity so you can choose as per your requirement such as group size.

By Train

The nearest railway station to Khatu Shyam Ji is Ringas Junction which is 18 km from the railway station. Train are perfect option if you love travelling and seeking a budget-friendly trip.

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