Delhi to Khatu Shyam Distance
The Distance between Delhi to Khatu Shyam Ji is 270 km and it takes approx. 5 to 6 hrs to reach there. The time travel also vary on factors such as road, weather, road and vehicle condition.
Welcome to Tempo Traveller in Delhi. We are a trusted tour and travel service provider located in New Delhi. We have a wide range of Tempo Travellers for corporate trips and family outings. Our aim is to provide you a Tempo Traveller for a hassle-free journey with a focus on comfort and customer satisfaction. We ensure a comfortable journey for you by providing well-maintained vehicles along with professional drivers.
The Distance between Delhi to Khatu Shyam Ji is 270 km and it takes approx. 5 to 6 hrs to reach there. The time travel also vary on factors such as road, weather, road and vehicle condition.