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Beauty beyond expectations - Alina Shevchenko

I've already mentioned this multitalented lady on social platforms and in my journalistic works. Time flies, she keeps issuing almanacs and solo books one by one, inspiring poets to feel free to create. Her approach is second to none, with a gentle yet persistent care she takes in a potion of creativity, giving people far more than media appreciation - empowering them to be even more productive and persistently devoted to the process.

As a publisher, Alina does not only follow her taste. While seeking harmony, she chooses authoritative and experienced authors, leaving some space for effervescently groundbreaking, brave and sincere new voices.

Why is it so? We can compare Alina with Apollo's muses, however even hedonistic, purely Dionysian principle finds place in her poetic works, philosophical posts on the web, as well as her fantastic ability to model elegantly and magnificently.

Alina's public image is enhanced by means of perfectly elegant clothes, makeup and accessories - personally, I'd call them a 'mysterious casual' substyle. Let's imagine each Ukrainian lady is as gifted and lucky as her.

Genius comes from all walks of life, however Alina's aesthetic approaches combine the futuristic and the archetypical in a vastly courageous manner.

Feel free to find more about the author and her plans, ideas and ventures on FB

© Written with the permission of Alina Shevchenko, a journalist, writer, poet, actress, activist, model, event project manager, ecologist from Kropyvnytskyy, Ukraine

© Maryna Tchianova for Storywrite.com

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