How to turn a ‘filler’ into a ‘killer’

Another method of ‘partisan marketing’ in show business might be called ‘an array of deliberate mistakes, including misspelling and chaos onstage’.

The clearest examples could be:

PINK - ‘Misundaztood’ - the album is misspelled deliberately, part of the promotion would be in her bossy and eccentric self-presentation.

‘Minimalist’ restaurant in Odesa (rebranding has the 2nd version of the name written on a name plaque in Ukrainian, the Muscovite version is crossed with a thin red line.

‘Filler’ songs could be turned into ‘killer’ songs in the following way:

1) First the audience points at a weird or shocking album cover in surprise, anger, shock or disgust

2) They laugh and show it to those around them - friends, life partners, pals, colleagues, random strangers

3) One out of 1000 buys the album

4) As another level of album promotion, Soundcloud/Deezer/etc accounts are being set up

5) Songs are played on online underground radio stations

6) Some producer/TV/mainstream radio presenter hears them by chance

7) The band gets selected either by a talent contest or by an indie label

8) Bloggers repost the first concert reviews to each other

9) An indie label deal is signed

10) A song/single/album gets into the country’s top 1000 list

11) Some ‘resource’ is being invested into filming the 1st music video.

It is thereby important that the music video creators are on the same page with the band, actors and screenplay writers all receive both credit and royalty

12) Videohostings are set up so that the band is being promoted on a regular basis

13) Merch is being produced

14) The audience gets involved into contests and events, including charity and commercial presentations

15) The band either goes platinum or at least reaches out to over 1,5 mln listeners in less than years

© Martinella, 2025

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