Ольга Марчук - поезія та ідеали
Марина Чиянова, журналістка з Одеси, ставить 5 запитань українській поетці Ользі Марчук.
Марина Чиянова, журналістка з Одеси, ставить 5 запитань українській поетці Ользі Марчук.
Natalia Lukyanenko is a well-known Odesa poet, model and actress. She has always been enchanted by the magic of words, the brightness of stage in acting, mysterious modelling realms and a shining core of psychology.
In the Fireside Hall of the BF “AVE” a new literary and musical event, devoted to Vladimiri Vysotsky will take place
Today, on December 15th, a presentation of a renewed 'Odesa almanac' took place in the Odesa State Library after Ivan Franko.This library, known by its amazingly impressive history, hosted a brilliant gathering of Odesa, Ukrainian and foreign poets, writers, musicians
These are the lyrics from my future concept album called ´Citymaxxing´ and will be devoted to the vision of a future prosperous Ukraine
Art and philosophy
Той, що так прийшов