A city of chalk


We miss 

The itching, the scratching, 

This heavy air of the aula magna

These transtemporal days 

Filled with sunlight, 

And I know 

There are some aspects

Of existence

Hardly understood - 

A listlessness instead of a livelihood.


I know 

Your absence is like snow, 

These days are made of flowers - 

Icicles and towers. 

We stay

On this forgotten road, 

So young and so courageous, 

Unwilling and untold

We miss 

The depth and the contrast, 

The shine and the bliss, 

We know how hard it is

To tell the future from the past,

 We drag along at last. 


The days of sunlight will be back, 

So thoughtful and devoid of rags, 

We'll shine upon these spinning wheels, 

Courageously we'll shine and heal

Поділись своїми ідеями в новій публікації.
Ми чекаємо саме на твій довгочит!

Art and philosophy

На Друкарні з 19 січня

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    Marchuk Olha Leonidivna est née le 20 juin 1976 dans le village de Krupets, dans la région de Khmelnytskyi. Elle est diplômée de l'université linguistique d'État de Kyiv.

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