Tangled in time, chapter 17: Amends

  “ Good morning, lovebirds.” Asteria said sarcastically.

  “ Good morning.” Gillean and Gwen replied drowsily.

   “ We’re all waiting for you in the common room. We’ve got some things to do.” Asteria announced and left the balcony.

  “ Did you sleep well?” Gwen asked him.

  “ Yeah, quite. And you?”

   “ Same.” Gwen responded and hugged him.

      Others were already in the common room, smiling cheerfully as they saw the two sleepyheads come in. “  A little birdie told me that you had a night together.” Marcus chirped, looking right into Gillean’s eyes.

 “ Fuck off, Marcus.” Gillean answered gravely.

 “ Have your morning coffee first, otherwise other people might get hurt because of your morning pre-getting coffee mood.” Lucas laughed and passed Gillean a cup of hot, aromatic espresso. After some silence everyone has woken up completely and Marcus spoke up . “ We have a mission of paramount importance today. I’ve been up since 5 am and I’ve already sent the news about our situation to every person in the public able to influence it. The correspondents, officers, soldiers, someone from the jurisdiction who isn’t corrupt have publicized the dire need of ours. “ Marcus proclaimed and sighed.

   “But what are we to do if you’ve already done pretty much everything?” Asteria asked in a puzzled way.

  “ Nope. We need to help the city get back to life. Get some volunteers to start rebuilding the city with, help someone who was hurt during the riots , and something else we might be requested to do.” Marcus responded .

   “ How do we have to prepare for it?” Lucas said.

   “ Lets share the duties: I’m gonna go to the lab and pack some medical essentials for the injured to give them the first aid if needed . Lucas, you’ll have to order some groceries and essentials to supply the people who had suffered with. Asteria, you’ll be helping me with the duty. Gwen ought to assist Lucas. Gillean, your task is to help the victims in another kind of way, psychological. We’re gonna act as one team , yet we have different operations to carry out. You’ll have to talk to them gently , give them the understanding of the circumstances we’re all in and make them feel supported, not alone. Let’s get to work now. We’ll meet at the same square where the fight was at 10 pm.” Marcus instructed his team.

   “ Okay. Together we’re capable of anything.” Lucas said. Everyone went in different directions, starting to execute what they’ve been instructed to.  Lucas and Gwen were sitting in front of the monitor, ordering all groceries and essentials like toiletries, some basic clothes  the beggars asked for. Marcus had given the addresses of the citizens in the dire need for the supplies. Some had lost their homes due to explosions and targeted missile attacks when the government was planning to flee and before it. The governmental rats wanted to make themselves safe and were endangering common folk instead. The people are temporarily living in hotels till the city will be fully renovated.

   Meanwhile Marcus and Asteria went outside and hurried to the square, looking for someone needing medical help. There were hundreds of wounded people on the square , and two paramedics were already helping some of them. “ Hello! We’ve come to help you give the people first aid.” Marcus said.

   “ Holly heavens! We’ve been hoping someone to come to assist us. I’m Anthony Devaney and this s my colleague Barbara Bridgerton. Let me explain what we’re up to: there are 500 people overall, and four of us. We are to help the people alone, and if there’s something serious, we can request a partner among our team. Due to the terrible traffic jams and destructions on the roads other medics can’t get to us. The police forces are trying to regulate the traffic . The only thing we have is hope that we’ll get more help and our hands. Now , let’s help these poor people. “

  “ I’m Marcus Bell and she’s Asteria Atkinson . Good luck to us.” Marcus said and shook Anthony’s hand.

      They went to different corners to give as much aid as they could. Asteria was  treating a middle-aged woman. Her left thigh  was covered in thick, burgundy blood. “ It hurts so much! “ the woman said. “ How long have you been out there?” Asteria asked. “ Since the start of the fight. I went out to join the riot and then I was shot in my thigh .” she explained.  Asteria put on her gloves and started cleaning the wound. There was a tiny shard of the bullet in the wound. Asteria found tweezers in her bad and took it out carefully. She’d already finished cleaning it and applied the bandage to make pressure. “ How is it?” Asteria asked. “ After the cleaning it’s not so bad already . This shrapnel was really making me feel uncomfortable, it was excruciating to move the thigh and I couldn’t get up, though it’s not a deep wound.” the woman explained.  “ Here’s an antibiotic ointment that you’ll have to use to prevent the infection . You’ll need to change the bandage daily. Of course, you should consult a doctor about it.” Asteria clarified. “ Thanks a million , girl. I owe you one.” The woman said kindly . “ My pleasure. We need to get back on track after all of this shit.” Asteria responded. “ Let me escort you to the Golden hotel. You can eat there and have some time to yourself , and then I hope that we’ll be able to call an ambulance for all of you.” Asteria asked. “ Yes, it would be kind of you.” The woman answered. Asteria helped  the woman get up and they went to the hotel. Asteria went back outside to continue her work.

   “ How are you coping up ?” Asteria asked Marcus.

  “ It’s going pretty fast. I’ve helped three people already. And you?” he asked.

   “ One person so far .” she replied.

       The square was gradually getting emptier . People were getting their treatments and escorted to the Golden hotel to wait for getting further medical help. Eventually, they’ve finished giving first aid and Marcus contacted Gillean to come and support the victims and others, who came to the hotel to get some news.


   “ We’re all in a drastic situation now. “ Gillean started. “ But we are not left behind, people are already helping us in an unstinting manner. We’ll get a new government during honest elections , there’s no way of them being corrupt. The whole city is united now, we’re giving each other every resource we possess.  The ambulances are rushing to help you. You’ll definitely get new houses and compensation from our new, democratic government. “ Gillean proclaimed and was silent for a bit, not knowing what else to say. “And remember, justice is always with us, and together we can find a way out of any situation we encounter. I wish you luck and happiness.”  He finished.

     The people were applauding  loudly, assuring Gillean that his speech was successful. Then Lucas and Gwen go there, to give the supplies to the people at the hotel.

  “ How was your speech?” they asked.

  “ It appeared to be good, my fears were in vain.” Gillean said with relief in his voice.

  “ We’ve delivered the thingies to all people in need, only the ones here are left.” Gwen said.

      Gwen and Gillean hugged each other and then they went to give the people their packages. Their tasks were done, so they went out. Marcus and Asteria were already waiting for them at the place they’d arranged to meet.  “ This day was quite fruitful.” Lucas said.

  “ Yeah. Together we’ve helped a lot of citizens in need. The structure and speed are our team’s perks.” Marcus replied.

  “ We still have a lot to do to revive Detroit. “ Asteria said.

  “ Yeah.” Marcus agreed.

      They were walking down the street , enjoying the darkness and night air. They were keeping silent, when Gwen suddenly spoke up. “ Guys, what can we do to the mechanical dogs? The memory about the incident we had with one has just sprung to my mind.”  she said with concern.

   “ They’re all assembled on the same factory, so we can just destroy it. The easiest way is to just burn it. That’s it.” Asteria said to calm Gwen down.

   “ Oh, that’s good then.” Gwen answered.


    “ We’re finally home.” Gillean said with relief.

   “ Who wants to have a dinner?” Gwen asked.

    “ I do.” Asteria, Marcus and Lucas said in unison.

     “ I’m already pooped . Good night, guys.” Gillean responded.

      “ Good night.” they answered.

         Gillean collapsed on his bed and dropped off as soon as his head touched the pillow. The day was so long and exhausting that he didn’t even think about anything before sleep. The thing they’d started must be completed . Their lovely city must be as vibrant as it was, with a new government, restored infrastructure and happy people.


    “ Wake up, it’s time for another productive day.”  Gwen said.

       She opened the curtains and the morning sunlight filled Gillean’s bedroom. The birds were singing their morning song in front of the bedroom window and Gillean was woken up fully.

   “ Opening the curtain and window was rather radical.” Gillean said grumpily.

   “ We’re waiting for you in the dining room.” Gwen replied and left the room.


    “ What is our plan for today?” Gillean asked as he entered the dining room.

    “ We need to join the volunteers, policemen , and other people to get rid of the rubbles. Most of the buildings are destroyed now.” Marcus announced.

  “ Okay. We need  as much energy as possible then.” Asteria said and gave everyone a piece of the apple pie.


   “ What party of the city is the most destroyed?” Lucas asked, pointing at the Google maps on his phone.

 “ Bricktown. So let’s teleport there?” Marcus asked.

 “ Of course.” others agreed.

    They took out the tablets-teleports and switched them on. “ Choose  the pub called the Old Shillelagh as the location. We’ll meet up there.” Marcus instructed.

   Although it wasn’t Gillean’s first use of the teleport, it’s always felt otherworldly. The nausea you feel in the beginning, everything around you swirling in a wild dance, the feeling as if you’re balancing in a bottomless pit are the things he will never forget. Having closed his eyes, he thought about the Detroit he’d  left behind. His apartment, the job, his dream to buy a dog were somewhere far away. Instead , he was saving the future edition of the same city and using a teleport, instead of his Porsche 911.  He felt as his feet touched the asphalt and opened his eyes. Others were gradually getting to the destination too.

  “ This district has really gone to rack and ruin.” Lucas said .

   “ Yeah, it’s in a total disrepair in comparison with other districts. Guys, feeling okay?” Marcus asked.

   “ Yeah, it’s all right.” Gillean responded.

    “ Who are we waiting for? Gwen questioned.

     “ For my acquaintance , he’s an architect in the biggest construction company in the whole state. We’ll be working together today.” Marcus explained. “ Oh, here he is.” Marcus exclaimed.

  “ Hey guys. I’m Jonathan . Nice to meet you all.” the man said.

  “ I’m Gillean. Nice to meet you.” Gillean said and they shook hands.

  “ I’m Gwen. Nice to meet you.”

  “ Asteria. Nice to meet you.”

  “ Lucas. Nice to meet you.”

        They went to the busiest street of the Bricktown districts , as it was the hardest to clean down. There were builders with their cranes, the rescue workers were getting people from under the rubbles and they were given fist aid and transferred to hospitals. “ I’ll go to the volunteer team giving the people first aid.” Lucas offered. “ Okay, as you wish. The main thing is to help others.” Marcus said. Hours went by while they were busy cleaning up the rubbles and aiding the injured. More and more people wished to volunteer, so the work started going way faster. “ Ouch, I’m a bit stuck in here!” Gwen yelled as a huge concrete plate fell on her leg, blocking her among other rubbles. “ I’m running to help you!” Gillean hollered, rushing to get her out.  

  “ I’m here.” Gwen cried.

  “ Come on, easy, this way. “ Gillean said gently , throwing off the rubble and giving her his hand.

  “ It hurts now.” she said despondently.

  “ We’ll treat the leg, it’s gonna be all right. You’ve got me and others by your side.” Gillean said sympathetically.

   Gillean helped her walk and they went to Asteria for her to treat the leg. “ Oh, you’ve probably got a fracture.” Asteria said after a quick look.  “ What am I supposed to do?” Gwen asked in panic . “ Hush, Gwen, it’s okay. I’ll do the first aid and we’ll call an ambulance. It doesn’t look really severe, so the doctor is probably gonna change the bandage, prescribe something and give you crutches.” Asteria explained.

  “ It’s quite swollen tho.” Gillean said.

  “ Could you shut up? She’s too stressed out to hear it.” Asteria answered sternly.

    “ Can you move the leg?” Asteria questioned.

     “ No. It’s excruciating.” Gwen replied.

         Asteria helped Gwen lie down, took off her fleece and rolled it up to put under the leg. “ Gillean, go to the nearest café and ask them for ice. Wrap it up in a some kind of cloth.” she urged him. Gillean was fast enough to bring it to them and Asteria applied to ice on Gwen’s leg. They called the ambulance and Asteria stayed with Gwen, while Gillean went back to work. By the time they’d finished cleaning up the destruction at this place it was already 12 am. The team rushed to the hospital, hoping they’d be allowed to go in.

   “ We’re sorry to disturb you at such a late hour, but have you seen a girl Gwendoline Gull here? She’s got a leg fracture.” Gillean said.

  “ Yes. She’s in the 17th room on the 2nd floor.” the janitor replied.

    They rushed to the room, knocked on the door and the doctor let them come in. “How are you, Gwen?” Gillean and others asked.

  “ It’s all right, I’m waiting for the nurse to bring me the crutches and we can go home. It’s truly not a serious fracture. Gillean, Asteria, you’ve saved me. My gratitude knows no borders.” Gwen said happily.

  “ Nothing to thank for.” Gillean and Asteria answered simultaneously.

      Gwen was given the crutches, and the team was getting home. Another mission was complete, despite the fact that someone had to sacrifice a bit of their health.

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