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The beauty of Ukraine in works of Larisa Demyanishina

Larisa Demyanishina is one of the most outstanding modern Ukrainian artists. Her artistic manner is one of a kind, stemming from Ukraine's history episodes and a passion for the nature combined with the growing complexity of composition, light and shade. What is so special about her artworks is their depth. They reveal the topics and emotions most familiar to the majority of Ukrainians - love for the country and their dearest and nearest, pride, inspiration, sincere warmth and a quest for the intellectual heights.

Her technique is impeccable and works wonders. In fact, her paintings have a function of a time machine that can take the observer back to the glorious past and later - to the shining realms of the future. The colours which prevail are yellow, golden, ocre, red, orange and blue, with woods portrayd in the green spectrum. Above everything, she values spiritual meanings and compositional complexity of her works which have the potential to unite Ukrainians under a strong partiotic message. Take time to enjoy her works and have a glance into the beauty of Ukraine.

“The colours of the steppe’ by L. Demyanishina

© Maryna Tchianova

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