Ukrainian visual arts. Colours and shades

What can easily be noticed upon a light glance at Ukrainian art ideas, methods and trends is their ability to morph into new and global noospheric movements.

It usually happens this way.

1. A Ukrainian artist turns into an aesthetic pioneer.

2. Then they are revealed by their friends and/or critics.

3. Afterwards their influence and public image are magnified.

 Several approaches can be used here, e.g. 'bring in the press' or 'bring in the performative art practice'. Sometimes history itself makes a move, so that the artist becomes more or less visible.

4. A Ukrainian artist chooses to confront the reality or conform with it.

5. A group of devoted fans turns them into a cult or an opposition icon.

6. The artist's name is finally canonized by the audience.

7. Their memory is promoted or destabilized. Sometimes masterpieces can be 'rememorized' and 'restored' several times.
8. Movements which stem from visual arts and eventually turn into social/political/philanthropic platforms.

Movements which stem from art in the 21st century, however, do not always predictably and clearly promote beauty.

Some of them balance on the brink of pure documentalism while denoting and reflecting new methods of self-reflection and self-expression.

Why is colour important here?

It is indeed a cultural/subcultural code which means a lot, demonstrates a lot and conceals even more.

In order to increase Ukraine's international recognition, visibility and popularity, a vast variety of methods was used.

Some of them include reperformances and crowd-sourced actionist events which run at the same time as the main exhibition takes place.
Why do they deserve mention?

This is mostly because art competence and capacity is different in numerous social groups.

For a conservative art lover and a new-born fan various approaches are used, therefore, if you see freshmen and freshwomen as art curator assistants, one of the best decisions would be to give them credit and acclaim. Not only do they break grounds in their lives, they also change the whole matter and pulse of the society by bringing classical and novel practices together.



#new grounds

© Martinella, 2022

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