улюблений місяць

черговий день, черговий вірш. грудень 2022

when the beloved month cuts you to pieces

insomnia is felt by clearly sent impulses directly to the brain,

that break your head to pieces with pain,

heavy exhalation and inhalation when you trying to close the eyelids

and as an inability to do everything except for lying in bed,

when the favourite month shows you what does love mean

through interaction with warm and comfortable

however, it is necessary to pass a difficult test first

from aggression, trauma, depressive disorder, cognitive dissonance

so that in the end the beloved month will embrace you

and hide in the evening stars,

"now I'll show you a fairy tale"–

says the night beloved moon,–

"I will hug and whisper to you further schedules of events",

choosing between truth and action, I will always choose the truth,

choosing between the moon and the star, I will choose the latter,

choosing between right and wrong

I choose the chance of error

exploring favorite month

in a whisper

by touch

in the last

Поділись своїми ідеями в новій публікації.
Ми чекаємо саме на твій довгочит!
естер невінчаний
естер невінчаний@ester

strange (w/b)itch

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