Art by Dzyenya
Mann für Mann reiht sich in ein Lumpenheer
Wir sind verdammt und der Heimat ewig fern
(d’Artagnan, “Wallenstein”)
“This is definitely not the way to put a stake into a vampire,” she gave the men standing in a circle around her a side-eye. “It's not supposed to go there. And it's supposed to be wooden.”
“Silence, devil’s spawn!” One of the men said in a booming voice. “The ceremony will now begin! Light the candles!”
“And what if I won't be silent?” She asked, watching how the man hastily lit the candles at the points of the pentagram scribbled on the floor at her feet.
“Will you try to gag me?” She shook her head. “Oh, but you've already tried… maybe if you did it not with a silicon ball but with something else… something more meaty and long… Maybe I wouldn't be chewing on it and sucked it instead, don't you think?”
Men finished their last preparations and now again stood in the circle around her. The figures in hooded robes, their faces completely hidden from her view.
And she stood in the middle of the circle, with her hands cuffed and raised high above her head on a chain. Her feet were held by steel rings connected to the steel bar that was fixed to the floor and went up between her legs disappearing under her clothes.
“Brothers!” The man with the booming voice began his speech raising both his hands above his head. The other hooded figures fell quiet. “We’ve gathered here to put an end to the unholy existence of this undead beast, preying on mortal men! This fiendish apparition is known for seducing those of the simpler minds, using devil-inspired desires to lure the innocent into her web of perversions! To poison their souls, to weaken their spirits, and to devour their flesh!
“This shall not be let to continue unpunished! This is our holy duty, our most sacred obligation - to protect our own! To be shepherds to frail sheep who can not stand for themselves! And to rid this world of evils!”
“Evils, huh?” The vampire slid in a few words. “Don't mind me, keep going, I'm rather enjoying this string of compliments.”
“This devil's spawn!” The man continued after clearing his throat. “This Babylonian whore! This six-headed beast! This… This woman! Known to others of her kind as Cordellina Wallenstein von Bluttenglitz zu Dunkelnacht!”
“Glad you got the name right,” the vampire nodded. “Sorry, sorry, not interrupting you anymore… our holy father.”
“Silence!” The man yelled. “This world tolerated you for way too long, you undead perversion of God's will! This mistake must be corrected! You must be purged! Burned… as a witch! Burned… at a stake!
“Let the holy fire cleanse this land of this unholy dirty stain that is this vampire! Let the fires take her! Let! The! Fire! Burn!”
“Let it burn!” All men shouted in unison.
The vampire gave them a look of utter unamusement.
“Oh, it's getting boring… all the talking, all the slimy looks from under the hoods. I can feel your murky gazes, you know? You get all dreamy imagining what you'll do to my undead body - and I'm still fully clothed! Let's change it a bit, shall we?” The vampire smiled, and two-thirds of her clothes disappeared as if they didn't ever exist. “Ah, now's better, now you can see what you're about to get busy with, can't you? Hey! No touching yourself while the big guy still’s chanting! Save it for later, learn some manners!”
One of the hooded figures shuddered in place and hastily took his hands from under the robe, putting them in front of his chest in a praying gesture.
“That's better,” the vampire continued. “Or you could've just whipped it out and shown me what you have… I have definitely shown you mine already.”
The vampire tugged on the chain, holding her hands, and lifted herself, standing up on her toes, then let go, lowering herself back down on the steel bar between her legs. Then one more time, making sure everyone around saw her pussy lips sliding up and down the bar.
“Ah, the steel is really hard but so cold… almost as cold as my perfect dead flesh… I need a hot human dick to warm me up… would you give it to me? Or would you want this little helpless vampire to beg for it? I'm sorry, dears, but not today…”
The vampire grabbed the chain again and tugged. This time with enough strength to pull her feet out of the steel rings holding her down. The metal bent and torn like it was thin paper. In a moment her legs were free to fly up, get the head of the hooded man in front of her in-between her thighs and lock, intertwining behind his back.
The vampire rocked, swinging on the chain, pulling the mumbling man’s head with her moves. Nobody could make out what the man was saying anymore - maybe he was cursing, maybe he was praying or maybe he was praising the most private of the vampire’s body parts that was pushed right in his face. But it didn't matter as the vampire tensed her thighs just a little and the head under the hood almost flattened, giving out first cracking and then wet squishing sounds.
She spread her legs, letting a headless figure fall. Then twirled on the chain, breaking both her hands free of the cuffs.
Before the men could react, the vampire tugged on the robe of one of them and threw him on the steel rod sticking out of the floor - piercing his body through with the phallic upper part punching right through the middle of the man’s chest.
The vampire lifted his robe and immediately dropped it.
“Too small anyway,” she said with disappointment, then found something else worthy of her attention.
She lunged forward and licked the steel bar trying to catch a few drops of blood that were left on its metallic surface.
“Um, no, not good…” She said then turned her head. “And where do you think you’re going?”
She jumped up and hooked her leg around the neck of another hooded figure who was about to run off - one movement and the man fell, his head twisted unnaturally on a broken neck.
The fourth of the hooded figures spared the vampire the trouble - his heart raced faster and faster while he was watching her kill his friends, and then it hit its maximum beating frequency, snapped like a guitar string, and stopped.
“Aw, shoot,” the vampire shook her head, then pulled the head of the man with the neck she broke and popped it off his body.
The last of the hooded men was cowering at the corner, trembling in fear.
“Don't kill me, spare me, spare me, spareme…” The man repeated the words until they became all jumbled and mushed together. The vampire looked at him patiently, holding the head of one of his associates by the tongue. Then she jerked her hand tearing the tongue out of the dead head’s mouth.
“Hmmm…” She said, squatting right in front of the last of the men in robes. She rubbed the torn-out tongue against her clit and let out a light moan. “See… that's what I wanted…”
“Wanna bite?” She asked, then smiled and chewed the tongue, sending it down her throat. “Now then. Why should I spare you, hm?”
“Spare me… please… I… I will be your slave, I will be your dog, I will be anything you want, just spare me…”
“A slave, huh?” The vampire giggled. “Do you even know how long is the line of applicants to be my slave? You’d have to schedule an appointment with the recruiter for the next year!”
“I… I will be! I will be your…”
“My what? I have everything I need… I have a whole army of servants, tending to all my needs - including sexual and gastronomical. Why would I need another pathetic human?”
The man cried his last tears before getting this world clean of his pathetic existence.
“I'm home!” Announced Cordellina Wallenstein von Bluttenglitz zu Dunkelnacht, crossing the threshold of what she called “her castle”. It was, in fact, a luxurious apartment taking up a whole floor of a modern high-rise building, but for her, it still was “her castle.”
There was a commotion, a sound of the bare feet running, a murmur of agitated voices, and in a moment a host of servants gathered around Cordellina and kneeled.
“Ah, it's nice to get the proper welcome,” the vampire said, stretching her back and making all her clothes disappear. “Get me to the living room, would you? It was an exhausting night… and such a pointless one.”
A pair of servants - muscular men, completely naked and shiny with aroma oil, - got off their knees and locked their arms in a square behind their mistress. She playfully sat on the locked arms, holding on to the men’s necks. The servants lifted her and carried her to her desired destination - which was a large, richly decorated room. Along the wall, several of the servants already stood on all fours, their faces lowered to the carpet on the floor. Servants who carried the vampire put her on those’ backs and put themselves in the same position, joined by the two more. So now eight servants stood on their four limbs, two rows, head-to-shoulder and ear-to-ear with each other, forming a bed, fitting for their mistress.
“What is your name, slave?” Cordellina asked one of the servants making up the bed - a young man who, unlike many other servants didn't have much in the way of muscle.
“Little Sunshine, mistress,” the servant answered without lifting his head.
“Ah, right, Little Sunshine,” Cordellina rose. “Hey, someone! Take the Little Sunshine's place! I need him elsewhere!”
Another servant hurried in and exchanged places with the Sunshine, who crawled a few steps away and kneeled in front of his mistress.
Cordellina looked at him, then lay down on her back, spreading and bending her legs slightly.
“Are you a good boy, Little Sunshine?” She asked.
“For you always, mistress,” the servant answered.
“Then get your face between my legs and help me relax… I had such a tense meeting, I still can feel the metal on my lips.”
The servant obediently scooted over to the end of the bed and buried his head between Cordellina’s thighs.
“Human tongues are so much more enjoyable when they move on their own, aren't they…” The vampire said, arching her back slightly to give the servant a better angle. “Now I remember why I named you Little Sunshine…”
She closed her eyes and bit her lip. Then her mouth opened and a few moans left it.
This continued for a minute or two, with Little Sunshine eagerly eating his mistress out and Cordellina enjoying herself on the living bed at the end of her slave’s tongue. Then she spoke, talking mostly to herself.
“Humans… thinking they can restrain, bind and contain an existence like mine… it's in equal parts pathetic and laughable. Hilarious even. They almost made me laugh my ass off. And I would rather keep my ass on me, thank you very much.”
Cordellina pushed Little Sunshine's face away with her feet and turned on her belly, propping her butt up slightly so that the servant would see what exactly she was talking about. Then she lay down comfortably.
“Thank you, Sunshine… you're a good boy, but let's not continue further,” the vampire was talking to the servant without looking at him, her gaze moving from thing to thing in front of her. It was mostly her servants’ bodies. “I really need to think what to do about all this… Getting the world rid of me, can you imagine? The world without me… what would you all even do?”
She didn't expect her servants to answer - they were too well-trained for that. Instead, she shook her head and planted a kiss on the first patch of servant skin her lips could reach.
“I just need to think… of something.” She said.

Her thinking was interrupted by one of the servants announcing that there was a guest, asking for an audience with Lady Wallenstein.
“A guest?” Cordellina asked nobody in particular, while her bed reformed itself into a living throne on which the vampire sat, holding her head proudly high and her legs crossed.
“I wonder if it's the Universe's way of answering my thoughts… Who is it, again?” She asked the servant.
“He says he represents the Krieger Foundation.” The servant answered.
“Hm.” The vampire made her clothes appear again, gave them a quick check, and then gestured to the servant to let the guest in.
He turned out to be a tall, burly man dressed in black biker gear, sporting long hair tied in a ponytail and a thick black beard. In a voice full of gravel and rocks he introduced himself as Ruprecht.
“Ah, the messenger from the Krieger Foundation. How interesting.” Said Cordellina in the most uninterested tone possible. “What brings you to my not-so-humble abode?”
“Herr Krieger would like to employ your services, Lady Wallenstein.”
“My services? Did the old ghoul finally give in and accept my proposition? But then why send the middleman…? He could've come himself and gotten to the ‘services’ part immediately.”
“No, Lady Wallenstein,” Ruprecht shrugged, but ever so slightly, as to not make his annoyance too noticeable. “He needs your other services.”
“Oh?” Cordellina was surprised. “So he keeps denying me? Tell me… what's your name again?”
“Tell me, Ruprecht,” the vampire started casually fiddling with the foreskin of one of her living throne’s parts. “Tell me, does your old man still get off by playing puppy to that foggy maid of his? Does he? Does he?”
“I don't see how this…”
“Oh,” Cordellina stopped her fingers and focused again. “You're right; it's irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Well, almost. It will just make my help cost you… more.”
“Herr Krieger told me he will pay you in full, no matter what sum you’d ask for.”
“What sum?” Cordellina laughed. “Does he think I need money? What kind of insanely powerful immortal being would be so stupid to live for more than a thousand years and not be rich?”
Ruprecht silently waited for the vampire to finish laughing. And then waited a few seconds more before she spoke again.
“Let's start by you telling me what exactly you need from me.” Said Cordellina. “Then I can decide what price will I put on it.”
“He… Krieger… We…” Surprisingly to himself, Ruprecht suddenly was lost for words. “We, the Foundation, had a member… a friend. Now, unfortunately, lost. We would like you to find him and help him come back.”
“And where did you lose… your friend?”
“He…” Ruprecht paused. “He was taken by the Void.”
“So you're telling me…” Cordellina said in genuine disbelief. “Krieger wants me to pull somebody out of the Void?”
“He… Our friend is a soldier, lady Wallenstein.” Ruprecht said. “He won't be able to resist your call to arms.”
“No, no, my dear bear, you don't understand…” Cordellina raised her gaze to the ceiling. “The old man decided to challenge the Void… the old man screams into the void… he must be even more senile than I thought.”
Cordellina gestured and the servants that formed her throne shifted around, positioning themselves into something more resembling a sofa. Cordellina lay on her side, stretching her legs and propping her head on her arm.
“You know what… what's your name again?... Ah, right, Ruprecht… wait a moment.” She abruptly stopped and hissed to some part of the furniture behind her back. “I can feel it, you know? The bump in my back! Either think unsexy thoughts now, or I will bite it off; it's one or the other!”
“Excuse me, Ruprecht, dear,” she continued. “I tell you what. I will help you, but… But when it ends badly, when the old ghoul inevitably ends up swallowed by the Nothingness… come to me, would you? I can be your sugar mommy, as they say nowadays.”
Ruprecht growled back something incomprehensible.
“No idea what you said,” Cordellina smiled. “But I'll take it as a promise to think about my proposition.”
“So now that you know what we need from you, what's the price?” Ruprecht asked.
“Oh, it's nothing too hard for the well-connected aberrations like you and your colleagues… I need to find the hiding place of the group of humans who think they can declare the ‘holy war’ on me. They called me a Babylonian whore, can you imagine?”