Russian speaking communists occupied Ukrainian Wikipedia

Constant rude violation of wiki rules by Ukrainian Wikipedians, inventing own words and grammar rules, using Russian rules for Ukrainian language

First of all I should say that Ukrainian language is developing intensively, so grammar rules is really being changed and new words are being invented. That is because in Soviet time communists murdered 4 millions of Ukrainians, repressed almost all philologists, and occupied Ukrainian language. So for 60 years Ukrainian language wasn't developed, and now we have to restore it as Jews restored Hebrew.

But such actions is definitely cannot be done by Wikipedians on Wikipedia. Despite this Ukrainian Wikipedians are very actively "correcting" Ukrainian language according to their understanding of official grammar rules and even inventing their own "rules" and "words".

Wikipedia has to be written according to the sources, so Wikipedians have not to "correct" orthography of the sources. But even more so they have not to invent their own "orthography" and "words".

Here are the examples of rude violations of wiki rules by Ukrainian Wikipedians:

So in fact we see that Russian speaking communists occupied Ukrainian Wikipedia.

And Ukrainians can do nothing with it because Wikipedians are banning us! (proof1) (proof2)

And we can do nothing applying to supreme Wikipedia authorities:,_inventing_own_words_and_grammar_rules,_using_Russian_rules_for_Ukrainian_language

Ukrainian Wikipedia is vandalizing Ukrainian language but nobody cares despite it is rude violation of their own rules…


If German Wikipedians is banning Ukrainians, it is a problem of Ukrainians, not German Wikipedians. If German Nazis is murdering Jews, it is a problem of Jews, not German Nazis. I don’t think that Germans are Nazis, but Wikipedians definitely are.

Подерв’янський це діагноз.

What a hero: a Nazi is rescuing communists!


From comments:

We are not on Wikipedia, so we have to justify our position. Just saying “Russian communist” “troll” “insult people“ is not the arguments.

It means that you are insulted by truth. And once again we are not on Wikipedia and you cannot ban me for mentioning obvious facts.

Obvious facts are that Wikipedians may not even make their own decisions about grammar, despite this they are “correcting” Ukrainian language as they want. They use their own “rules” and invent their own “words”. It is called “original research” and strictly forbidden on Wikipedia:

What Ukrainian Wikipedians do is vandalising Ukrainian language, because all their “original researches” are Russian and communistic. E.g.: Nevertheless, gender-identification word endings are sometimes dropped, something that happened often in the former East Germany, for example. (wiki) — this is Russian communistic style, that Ukrainian Wikipedians are using on Wikipedia, despite official Ukrainian guidelines.

In fact you will be banned on Ukrainian Wikipedia for using Ukrainian language: for actual transliteration systems, for Ukrainian words, for gender specific career titles, and even for letter Ґ that was repressed by Stalin:Вікіпедія:Запити_до_адміністраторів&oldid=30955188#Свідоме_порушення_ВП:МОВА

Wikipedians don’t know what truth is. They think that they can define truth by decisions of community. So if community decided that white is black, it means that it is the truth, and everyone claims that white is white is a liar. It is exactly what Orwell said in “1984“: In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.

Look at this Russian communistic nonsense:Вікіпедія:Транслітерація_японської_мови_українською_абеткою&oldid=39438666

The manual of style claims that the transliteration system only possible for Ukrainian language is a system for Russian language. That only Russian scientists can say how Japanese words should be transliterated into Ukrainian.

Комодори і Вори is a f***ing liar. I hope such lies will soon be spread about him too
So you cannot say why I am a liar, but you say that you hope for spreading lies. It is exactly what I am talking about!

(So I think that being anti-communist is lie too…)

You cannot say what is obviously untrue. We are not on Wikipedia and nobody has to believe you just because you can ban him.

you could also participate seriously

So how can I correct violation if violation is the policy of Ukrainian Wikipedia? E.g. Wikipedians may not invent new grammar rules and new words. Here a Wikipedian invented obvious new word according to obvious new grammar rule:Адріан_Картон_де_Віарт&diff=prev&oldid=43228054

And we can see that Wikipedians are blocking everyone who says that it is a violation!Вікіпедія:Кнайпа_(мовна_консультація)&diff=prev&oldid=43232426

They say that it is not the lucky inventor, but Ukrainians who have to search for reliable sources, and Ukrainians have to prove to Wikipedians that their sources are reliable.

It means that gross violation of core principles of Wikipedia is the policy of Wikipedians!
Поділись своїми ідеями в новій публікації.
Ми чекаємо саме на твій довгочит!
Комодори і Вори@Komodory_i_Vory

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