(UeArtemis, the main Ukrainian Wikipedian)
(Story of the Scots Wikipedia)
The story of the Scots Wikipedia, which was edited by a person who did not speak Scots, is well known. The same thing is with Ukrainian Wikipedia: Ukrainian Wikipedians are not Ukrainian speakers. According to the Russian communistic conception they consider Ukrainian as they own dead artificial language and intend to murder living language and living people.

This is going to sound incredibly hyperbolic and hysterical but I think this person has possibly done more damage to the Scots language than anyone else in history. — Ultach
I don’t think it is hyperbolic because people often limit their research by Wikipedia; Google and YouTube cooperate with Wikipedia; in Ukraine even Ministry of Foreign Affairs cooperates with Wikipedia, and Wikipedia is actively trying to integrate into educational programmes, despite pedophilia is not a violation of wiki rules, so every pedophile can make children rape videos and edit Wikipedia using the same nickname.
Knowing for sure that he is a pedophile, Wikipedians wouldn’t ban him, because it would be violation of wiki rules, despite everyone could be banned for “not good intensions” “provocations” and whatever else.
(Ukrainian Wikipedia talks about peoples occupied by EU)
To talk about human rights, e.g. about the right of Crimean Tatars to use Latin alphabet, is violation, but to talk about peoples “occupied by EU” is OK. uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Вікіпедія:Проєкт:Тематичний_тиждень/Тиждень_поневолених_народів

So according to Ukrainian Wikipedia, Friulians and Sardinians in Italy, Frisians in the Netherlands, Moravians in the Czech Republic, Samogitians in Lithuania, Walloons in Belgium, Bretons in France, Aromanians in Greece are occupied…
Wiki rules has nothing in common with humanism and human rights, they are of rights of wiki community to call white “black”. So if you in wiki community you are right, if not in wiki community you are not right: In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.
(UeArtemis “checked” the very first editing of Ukrainian Wikipedia)
The main influencer on Ukrainian Wikipedia is, without any doubts, UeArtemis. (Despite female name he is male.) For example UeArtemis “checked” the very first editing of Ukrainian Wikipedia! uk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Атом&action=history&dir=prev&limit=5

So in 2004 Ukrainian Wikipedia was established, but in 2015 UeArtemis checked it because nothing cannot be established without UeArtemis’ approving! https://uk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D0%90%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC&oldid=13

Sure there was no reason for checking the editing after decade! The only reason is the glory of nonentity.
No Wikipedian says anything to UeArtemis because all Wikipedians know that he is the boss!
(“I agree with Andrii Khvylia”)
And here we can see what so glorious user thinks about Ukrainian language and Ukrainians: https://web.archive.org/web/20221218193303/https://lingvoforum.net/index.php?topic=72123.msg2262279#msg2262279

Соромно посилатися на газету. Посилайтесь на фахівців. Я з Хвилею згодний, що мову наблизили до живої мови більшості, позбувшись провінціалізмів та архаїзмів.
It is a shame to refer to newspaper. Refer to experts. I agree with Andrii Khvylia that the language was brought closer to the living language of the majority by getting rid of provincialisms and archaisms.
UeArtemis thinks that it was very good idea to murder 4 millions of Ukrainians and repress almost all philologists because it improved Ukrainian language very much.
Could you imagine a Holocaust denier that edits Hebrew Wikipedia, saying that Josef Mengele is a great expert in Jewish medicine and anthropology?
Andrii Khvylia is such an “expert” in Ukrainian language! And UeArtemis is “improving” Ukrainian language on Wikipedia because Ukrainian Wikipedia is not Ukrainian…
UeArtemis says that the language was brought closer to the living language of the majority while 4 millions of Ukrainians died! So what is the living language of the majority if a majority were dying? It means the Russian majority of USSR.
UeArtemis says about getting rid of provincialisms and archaisms. It means that Ukrainian language he considers as provincialism and archaism that are to be getting rid.
It is exactly what was said in the quotation he is answering to:
У 1933 році правописна комісія на чолі з А. Хвилею (Олінтером), якого сталінський режим знищив у 1938 році, переробила «Український правопис», визнавши норми 1927–1928 років націоналістичними. 4 жовтня 1937 року в газеті «Правда» з'явилася критична стаття, згідно з якою українську мову потрібно більше наблизити до російської.
In 1933, the spelling commission headed by A. Khvylia (Olinter), who was annihilated by the Stalinist regime in 1938, revised the "Ukrainian Spelling", recognizing the norms of 1927-1928 as nationalistic. On October 4, 1937, a critical article appeared in the Pravda newspaper, according to which the Ukrainian language should be brought closer to Russian.
Pravda (“Truth”) was the official newspaper, and what it said, had to be considered as “Truth” like in “1984”.
It is a shame to refer to newspaper. — it is typical manipulation of Russian communist.

So in fact Andrii Khvylia invented a Soviet Newspeak: Orwell didn’t make up anything. The point is that “1984” is not a fiction…

Andrii Khvylia was the main activist of repressions and linguicide. He repressed even the letter Ґ as nationalistic one! (Nationalistic one is everything that not Russian.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executed_Renaissance
It is funny thing that Andrii Khvylia was the first director of the Institute of Ukrainian Folklore, because it looks like UeArtemis considers himself as such a director…
(“І also agree with Stalin”)

Stalin, by the way, fought against freakiness in linguistics (and personally), although he encouraged it in other sciences.
(The letter Ґ used by ultra-nationalistic activists)
Also UeArtemis considers himself as Stalin that fights against freakiness in linguistics (and personally), freakiness in linguistics is existence of letter Ґ and Ukrainian language. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghe_with_upturn

I understand why UeArtemis don’t like letter Ґ so much.

The sound Ґ has died out in most of Ukraine. The spelling with Ґ with Ґ is supported and assumes morbid forms thanks to ultra-nationalistic activists. I believe that a person without training is not able to distinguish between the words ґрати (grille) and грати (to play).
So Ukrainians have been using the letter Ґ for centuries just because we are ultra-nationalistic activists, but in reality we cannot pronounce it because UeArtemis cannot.

The point is that Russians cannot distinguish between [г] and [ґ] because they have a sort of [ґ] in the Northern (standard) dialect and a sort of [г] in the Southern dialect, but not them both. So in Russian [г] and [ґ] are allophones, but in Ukrainian they are two different phonemes. That is why UeArtemis speculates that [ґ] is not a phoneme!
(Executed Renaissance)


Andrii Khvylia is saying how to take away all grain from Ukrainians, it was Russian communists’ politics of genocide. The date is 10th of January, 1933. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor

It says that Ukrainian population increased meaning population of Ukrainian SSR, but population of Ukrainians as ethnicity decreased! ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Перепись_населения_СССР_(1939)

Population of the Ukrainian ethnicity decreased by 10%.
— 10 січня 1933 р.
На 10 січня по Снігурівському району виконано хлібозаготівельний план в розмірі - 23907 т, що складає 68,8 %.
Насіннєвий матеріал, усякі фонди - вивезено. По тих колгоспах, що виконали хлібозаготівельний план, теж вивезено посівний наполовину. Ці колгоспи повинні поповнити цей вивіз з переобмолоту своєї соломи.
Я вже писав в останньому листі, що висилка, репресії до с. Новопетрівка наслідків не дали, незважаючи на вжиті заходи. За останній час, в низці колгоспів спостерігаються явища, коли значна частина колгоспників кидає господарювання і виїздить невідомо куди. Так, по Новопетрівській сільраді по Тетянівській сільраді є колгоспи, де виїхала більша половина колгоспників. Я поставив перед усією організацією питання про потребу жорстокої боротьби проти цих форм кулькульського саботажу. Очевидно, що тут ми маємо справу з таким явищем: хліб позакопували, поховали, а тепер на час хлібозаготівки - виїздять. Ми організовуємо зараз боротьбу проти тих, хто виїздить. Припинили видачу всіляких довідок, посвідчень з сільрад. У вирішальних селах встановили на ніч пікети, завдання яких затримувати усіх, хто вивозить хліб з села.
По всіх колгоспах проведено збори і широко оповіщено, що кожен колгоспник, який здасть добровільно крадений хліб, до відповідальності притягатися не буде. Але поки що тільки кілька чоловік добровільно здали крадений хліб. Про ці факти широко оповіщено населення, надруковано у газеті. Справа з похованим хлібом зводиться зараз не лише до ям. Ховають по димоходах, приробляють подвійні днища до столів і таке інше.
Між іншим є відомості, що багато куркульського елементу поховало свій хліб у Херсоні. З цього треба зробити той висновок, що у Херсоні у всякого спекулятивного елемента осіла певна частина хліба.
За увесь час по Снігурівському району від переобмолоту поступило 2507 ц. Виявлено краденого у колгоспників та одноосібників - 693 ц. Виявлено ям 136. В них найдено хліба - 275 ц.
В колгоспах виявлено утаєного хліба 652 ц. Виявлено незаконноутворених фондів 1728 ц.
По лінії репресій. Засуджено за нездачу хліба 31 господарство твердоздатців, 46 господарств контрактантів. Позбавлено 38 господарств землі.
Винесено постанов про виселення 55 господарств, припинено відпуск промислового краму 85 господарствам. Безспірно стягнуто хліб у 136 господарствах. Вилучено там хліба 225 ц. Стягнуто м'ясом (штрафом по району) - 159 ц.
Виявлено і виключено з колгоспів 325 куркулів. Відібрано у них 182 ц хліба. Стягнуто штрафів грішми - 26467 крб. 35 куркулів віддано до суду. Виключено ледарів з колгоспів 123 чоловіка. Відібрано у них хліба - 95 ц.
Останніми днями за прихований саботаж хлібозаготівель виключено з партії, заарештовано і віддано до суду голову колгоспу ім. Воровського - Датченка.
Виключено з партії секретаря Галаганівського партосередку - Гаюху (теж за схований саботаж хлібозаготівель).
Тепер про зміцнення району. До району прибув новий секретар Савенко і приступив до роботи. Прибула група керівних робітників.
— А. Хвиля [А. А. Хвиля - завідуючий агітпропвідділом ЦК КП(б)У. Перебував у Одеській області як уповноважений ЦК КП(б)У з питань хлібозаготівель.]
Перебував у Одеській області як уповноважений ЦК КП(б)У з питань хлібозаготівель.
Andrii Khvylia was in Odesa region as an authorised representative of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) of Ukraine on issues of “grain procurement”.
(Russian communist on another resource can be a Ukrainian Wikipedian)
So we see that the main activist of linguicide of Ukrainian language was Andrii Khvylia, and UeArtemis, the main influencer of Ukrainian Wikipedia calls him an expert.
Wikipedians usually say that other resources and even other Wikipedias don’t matter. So Ukrainian Wikipedians believe that a Russian communist on another resource can be a Ukrainian Wikipedian!
Be sure that on Ukrainian Wikipedia UeArtemis, the Russian communist propagate the same Russian communistic ideology of genocide and linguicide, and other Wikipedians help him!
(UeArtemis is a racist)
Here he confirms his another account: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Deletion_requests/File:%D0%9B%D1%96%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%8B_%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%B9_%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B1%D1%96%D1%86%D1%8B.svg

So UeArtemis clearly said that it was his good old racist joke! It proves that UeArtemis at lingvoforum.net and UeArtemis at Wikipedia are the same UeArtemis. https://web.archive.org/web/20240811201719/https://lingvoforum.net/index.php?topic=260.msg1093865#msg1093865

Ми ні**ри-раби чи білі плантатори? Ким хочете бути ви, панове? Are we N-word(!) slaves or white planters? Whom will you be, sirs?
UeArtemis knows how to speak properly to not be a nationalist and N-word slave…
(Wikipedians ban real persons for offending accounts but not vice versa)
In case of Ukrainians, Wikipedians ban not accounts, but real persons.
So if a Ukrainian offends somehow a Wikipedian he cannot edit Wikipedia.
But if a Wikipedian offend Ukrainians, propagate genocide of Ukrainians and linguicide of Ukrainian language it is OK on Wikipedia because it doesn’t offend Wikipedians.
And in this case they prefer to talk about an account not a real persons.
So Wikipedians speculate that if a particular account doesn’t violate any rules it is good account that cannot be banned. But if a bad Ukrainian creates an account, Wikipedians recognise that the account is created by a bad person, and have to be banned even without any violations!
It is very easy to break number of wiki rules if you are a Ukrainian. But if you are a Wikipedian it is literally impossible to break any rule! We can see that UeArtemis constantly commits gross violations of wiki rules, and whole Wikipedia protects him!
(Ukrainian Wikipedians treat Ukrainian language as they own dead artificial language)
As it was said according to the Russian communistic conception, Ukrainian Wikipedians treat Ukrainian language as they own dead artificial language. It means that they need another language for it.
For example, here UeArtemis reverted female titles for “producer” and “film director” but left female title for “writer”, despite Ukrainian language has female titles for all occupations, and official rules prescribe to use them: https://uk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D0%93%D0%BB%D1%94%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0_%D0%86%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%9C%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0&diff=prev&oldid=43202649

So why female titles for “producer” and “film director” are not allowed but female title for “writer” is allowed by UeArtemis?
The point is that female title for “writer” is allowed in Russian.
So to know that UeArtemis’ Newspeak you have to know Russian. That is why UeArtemis hates diaspora and Western Ukraine so much: they avoided Stalin terror and can speak Ukrainian without knowing Russian!
Here UeArtemis is asked whether Ukrainians are required to know Russian: https://lingvopolitics.org/index.php?topic=1891.msg40202#msg40202
— And UeArtemis cannot say nothing: it means that he thinks that Ukrainians are required to know Russian. That is the conception of Russian communists: everybody are required to know Russian.
(UeArtemis is a Russian speaker in reality)
UeArtemis says that Ukrainians either don’t speak Ukrainian or speak it wrong, but only UeArtemis has true language environment. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D0%B1%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B6%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5:%D0%A3%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0#%D0%93%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0_vs._%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BD%D1%8F

But in fact UeArtemis is a Russian speaker in reality. uk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Вікіпедія:Вибори_арбітрів/2023/Обговорення/UeArtemis&oldid=40464814#Запитання_від_scousawacky

He was asked if he spoke Ukrainian. He said that it is a “personal question”. So he could not say just “Yes, I speak Ukrainian.” I don’t see any “personal question” here. For example, I speak Ukrainian.
Then he started to “answer evasively”, that he speak Ukrainian regularly but not to everybody.
I can also say that I speak English “regularly but not to everybody”, but it doesn’t mean that I can define on English Wikipedia, what is true English, which is not American and not archaic.
The point is that you may speak Ukrainian in Ukraine, but UeArtemis don’t do this. You may also not speak Ukrainian, if you are not the president, but it is quite strange to tell Ukrainian speakers how to speak Ukrainian…
Then UeArtemis says:
No one has to prove anything to me personally. Especially since everyone has their own understanding of "mastery" and "knowledge" of Ukrainian: someone clings to local Galician vocabulary and other archaisms, someone is a strict champion of "Simple Ukrainian". But Wikipedia has stylistic limitations: there are scientific and scientific journalistic styles, encyclopedic style. This is by no means my whim.
So everyone has his own vision of the Ukrainian language. But only UeArtemis knows what is the true vision. No one has to prove anything to UeArtemis personally, because the true vision of UeArtemis is not personal! The true vision of UeArtemis is Russian.
Onсe again: Wikipedians have to write as in sources, that’s all. We don’t need their true vision of the Ukrainian language.

Here UeArtemis says in Russian that he is a Russian-speaking mathematician from Kharkiv. Kharkiv itself is mostly Russian-speaking city, especially before 2022/02/24, so UeArtemis cannot have language environment he likes to refer to.
All of the family of UeArtemis, the Russian-speaking communist are Russian-speaking communists too.
(UeArtemis’ grandfather and great-grandfather were communists)
I can only tell you what UeArtemis, proud of his family, told himself:
https://web.archive.org/web/20221113161545/https://lingvoforum.net/index.php?topic=53184.msg1477347#msg1477347 (in Russian)
Мой прадед был учителем, дед - партийным чиновником, бабушка - агроном и бухгалтер.
У моего прадеда тоже были проблемы с властью, но вовремя смылся на белофинскую (talvisota) и в итоге, вообще, политруком стал.
His grandfather was a functionary of the Communist Party.
His great-grandfather was a communist political instructor at the Winter War. The Winter War was stared according to the agreement between communists and Nazis, but UeArtemis deny that communists and Nazis started WWII: https://x.com/UeArtemis/status/1655824511734874112

(UeArtemis likes the idea of triune Russian nation)
UeArtemis says that he doesn’t like present-day Russia but he definitely do like previous-day Russia: https://web.archive.org/web/20211208152912/https://tipa-bandera.livejournal.com/386155.html?view=comments#comments

He says about calling Russians “Great Russians”, and Ukrainians “Little Russians” as in time of Russian Empire. So maybe he doesn’t like present-day Russia, but it is similar to Alexei Navalny or Igor Girkin or Gennady Zyuganov who would say the same.
UeArtemis is very sad because a central underground station in Kharkiv is not named after Russian imperialist Pushkin. https://x.com/UeArtemis/status/1784445348376641553

Pushkin's poem "To the Slanderers of Russia" is exactly what Russians have always said about Ukraine and NATO! Earlier they said the same, just about Poland…
BTW UeArtemis hates Poland, Latin, Catholics and Greek-Catholics. As for every Russian communist, Polish, Galician means something bad for him.
On the other hand UeArtemis likes the idea of triune Russian nation, means Russian occupation of Ukraine and Belarus: wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Обсуждение_участника:UeArtemis&oldid=110550977

First of all “Great Russian” (великорусский) is an imperialistic term, and even Russians don’t say so except historical context. But UeArtemis even in time of the Russian invasion insists that we have to say “Great Russian”! UeArtemis is an extremely brave Russian communist, but I rather say “extremely shitty little bastard”.
So UeArtemis thinks that Ukrainan, Belorussian and Great Russian are dialects of Russian, a sort of triune language according to UeArtemis. https://web.archive.org/web/20221113230023/https://lingvoforum.net/index.php?topic=81890.msg2685628#msg2685628

Here UeArtemis says that we should adopt the Ukrainian language for people who literally "sympathize with the triune Russian people" and are unable to learn the Ukrainian language! No doubts UeArtemis sympathises with such people and is trying to adopt Ukrainian language to the “triune Russian language”!
Everyone would sympathise with his own kin, isn’t him?
UeArtemis also says that Galicians don’t allow him to speak his true Ukrainian in Kharkiv.
Ага, а Вам би аби "вигнати" східняків з мови. Прихватизатори і носії істинної ґвари української.
According to Russian communist UeArtemis, Russianisation is the consequence of speaking Ukrainian in Galicia, not of murdering millions of Ukrainians by Russian communists, not of consistent politics to make Ukrainian a dead artificial dialect of Russian.
(UeArtemis’ parents and another grandfather are Russians)
https://web.archive.org/web/20221113230025/https://lingvoforum.net/index.php?topic=71074.msg2216302#msg2216302 (in Russian)
Ну, не знаю, моя мать, русскоязычная схиднячка-горожанка, очень обижалась на хохлушку, когда в юности бывала в России.
Отец же, некогда суржикующий селянин, сам себя часто называл хохлом. При этом относится к украинскому языку как к неполноценному.
Это маркер манкурта, ИМХО.
His mother is Russian speaker, and as we can understand she is ethnic Russian. BTW, there are not so many ethnic Russians in Ukraine, that is why UeArtemis so confident that he is special!
His father called himself a khokhol which is Russian ethnic slur for Ukrainians, he considered Ukrainian language as “improper” one.
https://web.archive.org/web/20221113161527/https://lingvoforum.net/index.php?topic=3070.msg1645070#msg1645070 (in Russian)
Зато Вечірній Харків в 90-е перешел на русский :( Эх, любил его мой русский дед почитать на мове.
His grandfather is Russian.
All of the family of UeArtemis are Russians and communists who hate Ukraine.